A review by lickableenzymes
Captured by Linsey Hall


Good, but lacked tension

I enjoyed the final book, the pacing was well done, I just wished there had been more struggles. Everything the heroes did worked on the first try, they had the answer to every question almost as soon as it was posted. The emotions of failing were there for the characters, but because there was no struggle it, as a reader I did not feel it with them. Seraphia kept running out of energy, but then magically had enough energy to do whatever needed to be done next. Hades had both his wings broken but could still fly?

Every threat was just blasted out of the way like it was nothing. However the feelings development, especially for Hades, was extremely satisfying. It did feel a lot like he loved her way more though. He would give up anything and everything for her, but she would only love him conditionally, but it was okay because she was on the 'right' side.

I wish there had been more about all the side characters. Lindsey did a great job of making me care about them, all of them have pretty in depth backgrounds, but they all just kind of disappear at the end.