A review by deadgoodbookreviews
Hath No Fury, by Michael R. Underwood, Eloise J. Knapp, Elizabeth Vaughan, Margaret Weis, Elaine Cunningham, Carol Berg, Anton Strout, Bradley P. Beaulieu, Shanna Germain, Robin Hobb, Lian Hearn, M.L. Brennan, Nisi Shawl, Dana Cameron, Erin M. Evans, Django Wexler, Elizabeth Vaughn, Diana M. Pho, Melanie R. Meadors, J.M. Martin, Delilah S. Dawson, Gail Z. Martin, S.R. Cambridge, Seanan McGuire, Sarah Kuhn, Marc Turner, Philippa Ballantine, William C. Dietz


Full review and more up on my blog: https://chaininteraction.wordpress.com/2018/01/22/hath-no-fury-an-anthology-arc-review/



I mean. I have reviewed quite a few anthologies this year, all of which tend to have some kind of theme and this was the first one where that theme called to me 100%. It’s no secret that I adore female characters and stories that are women centric. This was a wonderful addition to my reading schedule and I need everyone to read it.

I have to add that this is a fabulously diverse collection as well. It’s clear that the editors have considered an intersectional approach which is another thing an anthology like this needs to have.

My favourite story of the whole collection, and one which I cannot stop talking about, is the first story: Seanan McGuire “Riding Ever Southward, In the Company of Bees”. Imagine Mad Max: Fury Road but instead of fast cars, explosions and chastity belts (I laughed so hard at that part of the film. Chastity belts- pah!) it’s bees! It’s the most wonderful concept and the writing is phenomenal and I cannot fathom how it is not an entire book for me to devour at once!

There are some other wonderful stories in there too, there’s an elderly circle of knitters who…let’s just say have more potential than they think, there are epic shootouts and Cleopatra retellings. Not every story is a winner, as is true of pretty much every anthology, but there are definitely more good stories than there are bad ones.

Normally at the end of an anthology I breath a sigh of relief, finally finished. With this one I found myself begging for more. I’m going to have to look up each and every one of these authors and read everything they’ve ever written. Oh my poor TBR!

My rating: 4/5 stars

By the way, I received a digital advanced review copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.