A review by sarahs_bookish_life
The Letter by Kathryn Hughes


I actually won a copy of this book in a giveaway on Twitter and I am so glad I did as I don't know when or if I would have come across this wonderful book and the author otherwise.

This truly is a wonderful book, I found it to be very deep and beautifully written and it is one book that I think will stay with me for a long time.

The story starts with Tina who works in a charity shop and comes across a letter dated many years before. Intrigued by the people and the story behind the letter Tina sets out to find the person who the letter was intended for. The story then swaps between present day with Tina and her troublesome marriage and years before where the story of the people behind the letter unfolds.

I loved the characters and even felt sorry for a couple of the unlikeable ones towards the end. I think Tina, Chrissie and Billy especially will stay with me for quite a while yet.

The Letter takes you through a mixture of emotions, it is very much a compelling read that once you've started you will struggle to put down.

Can't recommend highly enough.