A review by readfrenzy
Royally Yours by Emma Chase


4.5 stars

Royally Yours radiates a classic romance charm that first drew me to the genre. The story is wonderfully tender, passionate, and whimsical, with a nice balance between fairy tale and realism. In other words, Emma Chase has another hit on her hands.

Heavy is the head that wears the crown. Fortunately, Queen Lenora was raised to have a spine of steel. She is an independent young woman—decisive, fearless, and stubborn. Being a queen is a lonely job, and very few people get to witness her huge heart. Lonely or not, she isn’t keen to be forced into marriage.

Edward is known for his wanderlust, and a settling down into a marriage of convenience isn’t exactly at the top of his priority list either. Nonetheless, they try to make the best out of an extremely awkward situation. I did not see that coming! I expected lots of bickering, tantrums, and overall pettiness. Imagine two adults dealing with adversity like, well, adults. It was refreshing to not have a massive clash of personalities. The conflicts that arise are plot driven and they are so expertly used that I was completely engaged throughout the story.

Perhaps Lenora is a bit too quick to trust Edward, and his view of Lenora as an obligation switches rather rapidly to one of genuine interest. It’s quite plausible, however, given the way the plot is structured. I enjoyed their openness, warmth, and “love lessons”. There’s a sense of mutual respect between the two of them. I absolutely adored Edward and how protective and supportive he is of Lenora. There’s no machismo. He’s secure enough to be perfectly content to stand in Lenora’s shadow and let her shine.

Bathed in love and compassion from beginning to end, Royally Yours is simply delightful.

Recommended for fans of:
Marriages of convenience
Flighty siblings
*I received an early version of this book to voluntarily read. This does not affect the content of my review.*
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