A review by annrawson
No Highway by Nevil Shute


This novel contained lots of stuff that makes me cross, from old fashioned sexism (although perfectly within period, it was published in 1948) to pseudoscience... but I did enjoy it too much to just fling it across the room.

The pace was very relaxing compared with most modern novels, and I enjoyed it for that. It's years since I read any Nevil Shute and if my memory serves me right A Town Like Alice and On the Beach were far better novels. The characters were a bit one dimensional and stereotypical - the eccentric scientist, and the pretty air hostess with a maternal streak especially.

Still, Shute was an aeronautical engineer and so he was certainly writing what he knew. The story's premise is still very relevant today. It was an entertaining read, but not one I would wholeheartedly recommend.