A review by supera710
Plague by Lisa C. Hinsley, J.D. Smith


I received a copy of Plague in exchange for a review.

Plague is exactly the type of book it sounds like- one about the plague. Except this plague is set in modern day, where it has no business being. Plague focuses on a family, Johnny, Liz, and Nathan, that live outside of London. They start seeing reports of people getting sick, but believe it to be contained to the South, so they don't worry too much. Problem is, little Nathan isn't feeling too well, and he's not the only one on the block to have a fever and swelling. I could picture this book just like a movie, probably because there are a few movies about outbreaks. As a mother myself, I would be horrified with the symptoms, and what my child would be going thru, esp the end results. I am pretty sure I would be taking the cowards way out and risk getting shot trying to escape my house. The sad thing is, we still have chances of illnesses spreading out of control, and I really would hope that we'd be lucky enough to not have a pandemic! Liked this version of a family suffering thru the plague, but I admit to getting a bit grossed out at times.