A review by ms3194
The Shadow Box by Luanne Rice


A fast thriller about a woman left for dead by whom she suspects is her very influential husband.

I liked the host of likeable narrators and wanted to know read more about some of them more than others and was glad to know that my favourite character Detective Conor Reid has a book of his own called 'Last Day' which I hope to read someday. The book deals pretty well with tough topics like domestic violence and abuse. Certain scenes like the beginning and the end had be on the edge of my seat and I loved them.

What I didn't like was the sheer number of irrelevant characters that pop now and then because it got a little hard to keep track of who is who. And while I thought Claire was strong and had likeable attributes, I didn't like her per se because of her choices. I am in no way blaming the victim here but something her characterisation felt off to me.
