A review by wanderingthepage
The Sun Down Motel by Simone St. James


Wow, I really enjoyed The Sun Down Motel. After reading this book and The Broken Girls this year, Simone St. James has earned a spot on my auto-buy authors list! As soon as I read the dedication for this book, "For the odd girls, the nerdy girls, and the murderinos. This one is for you.", I knew that this would be a book I would love.

The Sun Down Motel held so many things I love, a true crime cold case mystery, an atmospheric paranormal element, alternating POVs, a dual time line and building suspense that kept you turning pages because you needed to know what was going to happen next!

Even if you are not a fan of a supernatural element in your thrillers, I think you could still enjoy this one. I actually enjoyed the way this one was written into the story over The Broken Girls (and I really enjoyed that one so...). Simone St. James really gets you invested in the mysteries within the plot. The dual timelines transition perfectly. Both POVs held my attention and they were both equally interesting, isn't it the worst when you have multiple POV story and one or more characters are not as enjoyable?!

There were just enough twists to this mystery to keep me guessing even if some elements I had guessed to a degree. I love the way the author built such an uneasy atmosphere, the motel almost became a character of it's own! And with the eerie atmosphere the suspense only built as you tried to put the puzzle pieces together.

I am sure you can tell that I definitely recommend The Sun Down Motel, even if you don't love a supernatural element or you didn't love The Broken Girls, this one really deserves a chance!