A review by clare_braganza
The Crowfield Demon by Pat Walsh


I really enjoyed this book. All the plot points that were set up in the first were developed in this sequel, particularly William and Shadlock's curse and Dame Alys's past. As always, all the characters had depth and were well-portrayed, but my favourite is still William. He has such a tragic past and is mistreated by most of the monks, but he never complains. I felt that he was much braver in this book, particularly at the climax. The pace was quick and once again there were plenty of plot twists, so it wasn't predictable in the slightest. Overall this was an enjoyable read, with prose that is simple but still challenging enough to interest children of 9+. My only complaint is that there wasn't more of the Dark King. It would have been very interesting if William had to face both the demon and the Dark King, but maybe Pat Walsh is saving that for the next book!