A review by amy_inthecatacombs
Not Always Happenstance by Rachael Anderson


*I received a copy for I Am a Reader Blog Tour

Not Always Happenstance is the second book in a series, and I use that term very loosely because so far Pearl, the Matchmaker is the only thing shared in the stories. At least for now, I don’t know if any other authors in the series have tried to do any more cohesion than that.

I will say I wish Pearl would be more meddlesome. When I first heard about this series, I immediately thought of the elder, Chinese women that plays in the Freaky Friday version with Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan. I kind of wish Pearl could have this facet to her, too. She does meddle some, but I’m kind of been wanting some comedic aspect. Then again, it might would not be that cohesive since multiple authors have her appear in their respective books.

Anyway, I didn’t like Easton that much for a while. Even though the girls he was with knew he had no intentions of staying, I hate how he used the locals for his own personal gain. He does change which is nice. I really liked Lani and wish her family was closer knit. I kind of wish Derek was more in the book, but I kind of understand why he wasn’t.

I did like this book, but I feel like not much happened. I never had a problem reading this book or found that many lull moments, but I do wish more bigger events happened. I loved that Rachael included Hawaii words, but I do wish there were more cultural aspects.