A review by ashmagoffin
Things We Never Got Over by Lucy Score


I recently finished Mr Fixer Upper and I was pleasantly surprised. I was keen to pick up Things We Never Got Over because I had seen it around more than I had Mr Fixer Upper so I assumed it was better. I was wrong there. 

This book could have been half the length. If you are going to write a book that is 500 pages long you need to make sure there is a substantial plot or character development, this had neither. My main issue was with the male protagonist Knox who just could not handle his own emotions and took it out on everyone else. He had 43 years to go to therapy but yet here we are. Between him and Naomi I just could not handle the childishness, Waylay the eleven-year-old was probably the most mature person in this book. I felt like most of the plot was introduced at the beginning and shoehorned in at the end. This book had no business being 500 pages. 

I liked Waylon the dog.