A review by discocrow
Pretty Monsters by Kelly Link


Absolutely lovely collection. [a: Kelly Link|24902|Kelly Link|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1422586197p2/24902.jpg] has a deft hand at weaving imaginative, rather surreal, scenarios into coherent stories that offer more than just what meets the eye. While [a: Aimee Bender|5285|Aimee Bender|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1291155858p2/5285.jpg]'s stories offer a greater level of surrealism, and [a: Jonathan Carroll|23704|Jonathan Carroll|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1222900262p2/23704.jpg] greater complexity, [a: Kelly Link|24902|Kelly Link|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1422586197p2/24902.jpg] manages a humor that both somewhat miss. Her characters are memorable, and her short story "Magic For Beginners" something not to be missed.

I'd recommend this collection happily. While perhaps three of the stories are incredibly memorable, the rest of them are quite good, and only one a story I genuinely disliked. Not bad for a collection, really.