A review by lassarina
A Talent for Trickery by Alissa Johnson


A distinguished viscount in private investigation, formerly lauded for the daring rescue of a duchess, is chasing a murderer, right back to the daughter of London's most notorious thief—and said thief was directly involved in the adventures related to the rescue of the duchess.

I kept smiling all the way through this book because I was just having such a grand time with it. Owen is delightful—very aware of the implications of his power when it comes to Lottie and extremely careful not to abuse it, while also acknowledging that she has every right to be angry at him and not being a shithead about it. Lottie is likewise a delight—she has secrets to keep and the fact that she's keeping them makes sense in context. This isn't a miscommunication where everyone is required to hold the idiot ball for the sake of the plot. The backdrop to the book and the sense of a history that both draws them together and pulls them apart was really well-done, and I loved Owen's team members and Lottie's family. I loved the variety of secrets that everyone was keeping. I loved the layers of plotting and schemes that unraveled slowly and thoroughly throughout the book.

I also liked the reveal, and the fact that all of the threads wrapped up nicely without feeling contrived. I liked the way that Lottie and Owen made choices for themselves, and the way that they seriously considered how to handle a future together instead of blithely assuming that all would be well.

I'm looking forward to future books in the series.