A review by katrinamarie
Forbidden Fire by Karpov Kinrade


I do not know if it's possible to love a sequel more than the first book, but I do! There was a lot more action in Forbidden Fire. I loved every word in this book.

Sam and Drake are on the run after escaping from Rent-A-Kid. They face some major obstacles. Sam keeps getting extremely sick. There are also people that keep finding them.

I love how these books continue to focus on morality issues. You learn a lot about good and evil. Some of the characters begin to learn that that it's not all black and white. There are many situations that fall into that gray area. Sam is concerned about her powers being good or evil. It's one of the major points of this book.

There are a couple of surprises. Especially regarding the Seeker. I'm also curious about Father Patrick. He knows a lot about these powers. Is he a person with a power, or is there something else going on?

I also really enjoyed the alternating viewpoints. It was great hearing from characters other than Drake and Sam.

I highly recommend this series. The story line is intriguing, and it leaves you wondering what's next.