A review by witchofthemountains
Janes in Love by Cecil Castellucci


A graphic novel about teen girls fighting the establishment, cultural expectations, and finding love in a way that doesn't let the boy's attention become their only focus? SIGN ME UP.

I love the Plain Janes series, and strongly recommend it to anyone who likes graphic novels, is a female, likes females, or generally likes good writing.

In this installment of the series, the girls are back to their art-loving ways, and Main Jane finds herself falling for a local boy after her sleeping beauty wakes up and reveals he is taken... in addition to being from a different country. Her awesome nature shows through as she doesn't mope about this. Instead she is happy to have a friend who went through the same ordeal she did, and even befriends his girlfriend.

And despite the fact that every Jane pursues love in this novel, they still maintain their senses of self and their other interests. So often girls in literature find themselves single-focused on the love they want. It's not a healthy portrayal, and this book turns it all on its head.