A review by acascadeofbooks
The First H.G. Wells Omnibus: The Invisible Man/War of the Worlds/The Island of Dr Moreau by H.G. Wells


I read this book on my Ipod as it was free on an app. I have seen two films of this novel and I was expecting a really great read as I really enjoyed the movies. Also it is a very short novel so it didn't take very long to read.
The story starts just as Martians invade the Earth. The story follows one man as he tries to survive and come to terms with what is happening to Earth. It is a really great idea for a novel that was written long before sci-fi was a common thing to write about.
The plot was good, it had some really good parts like all the description of the martians which must have taken some imagination to design them so fully. There were some parts that were slow because the story was retold by our main character so it wasn't a very exciting read at times.
Our main character is the narrator who never gives his name. We know some things about him but not a lot, which makes it an interesting story. He retells the character, even all the bad decisions he makes.
Overall this was a good story but it was a lot slower than the more modern novels that I normally read. Overall I rated it 3/5.