A review by mpr2000
Before I Saw You by Emily Houghton


This is an emotional read, sweet and sad but full of hope and friendship; maybe you’ll drop some tears, but the story deserves it, believe me. I wasn’t sure of what to expect of this book, a man (Alfie Mack) and a woman (Alice Gunnersley) who met at a hospital ward and fall in love without seeing each other faces, seems a little bit weird, that’s what spikes my curiosity. What made them fall in love? It was not their chemistry but something more, their friendship and trust to each other, something much more deeper than being pretty or handsome, the real inside beauty.
The story is told between both characters perspectives, Alice and Alfie, they are both recovering in the hospital from very deep wounds, the recovery will not be easy for neither of them, not only physically but emotionally. And that’s where this book takes a step further, it tries to show the reader the pain and wounds that you have inside and no one can see, the ones that are not easy to heal and need more strength and will than some medicines and exercises.
I loved this story, it was difficult to read sometimes, you could feel the pain of the characters and their sadness, the need to hug them and comfort them was so real! But as I said, this is a book of love and friendship, so don’t worry, there are plenty of happy and funny moments during the story, but never forget that they will meet without seeing their faces, with the only touch of holding hands but with some emotive and large conversations during the night… Let’s be honest, it doesn’t matter if someone is attractive when you can’t see them, the important thing is that you have affinity and similar beliefs, don’t you think?
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