A review by ness_98
Snow White by Alice Callisto, Jeanette Rose



Holy mama this was a roller coaster of a read. Right from the start I was hooked on the storyline. I mean who doesn’t love a sapphic retelling of a classic fairytale? From the beginning we meet Azura and know she’s got some kind of plan schemed up and then we meet our beloved Snow White. From their first encounter it’s clear these two are going to mean something to each other and I love it.

Azura is our wicked witch and Snow is our innocent princess just looking for a friend. Little does she know of the snake within the garden. They quickly become friends along in the grand scheme of winning the competition for Snow’s new step mother. Along the way they also become friends with non other then Belle. It’s quickly apparent that both Azura and Belle are apart of the lgbtq+ community with their flirty glances and the internal dialogues. Snow, our innocent and pure minded princess doesn’t understand her own thoughts or feelings for quite a well but then it becomes apparent she’s got romantic and sexual feelings for Azura, fully unaware that they are reciprocated.

By the middle of the book Azura is having an internal battle with wanting to be close to Snow and sticking to her plans. Eventually she caves in and they both give into their temptations but still our villainous is determined to push the innocent princess away but Snow refuses to give up on her. So what happens when two powerful magic wielding women fall in love and have to fight to be together? Well you’ll have to read the book to find out.