A review by reader_girl_forever
Violence & Virtues: Vol.1: A Mafia Anthology by Sophie Dyer


I bought this anthology cause I couldn’t see myself not reading something Sophie Dyer published. With that being said, I did it knowing I’m not a fan of short stories. I’m more a fan of series that can take me into their world and keep me there for long.

But, I was very happy to have read this cause the stories inside made me discover new authors that seem to have a few very interesting books and series that I’ll definitely look forward to read later on.

Queen’s Gambit by Brooklyn Cross, the prequel to the series Kings Of Wayward Academy intrigued me a lot. The plot seems different from what is usually written and I really hope to know what happened to the characters when I get to read the series.

Voiceless Violet by Celeste Night seemed a bit like a Romeo and Juliet type of story at first which made it a bit predictable, but the end pushes me to think the male lead would just start to act like an asshole if the story would continue. Obviously, it’s just my feeling, I haven’t read that the story would be the start of a book so I have no confirmation on that.

City Of Wind And Lies by Darma Day made me jump at the possibility to read the rest of this story as soon as I had finished it. I was so glad it was part of a book, a little disappointed it was not available yet, but it comes out in a bit more than a month so I added it to my TBR list. It was a bit predictable, but I really liked how it was written and I thought it was hot so I definitely want to know more.

The Assassin Next Door by Krys Rayne is entertaining. I think it was a little on the surface and not really believable, but it’s a story so I guess the fantasy is allowed. It was a little less my kind of reading than the others in the anthology but there was some good smut scenes and the plot was original.

Reign Of A King by P. H. Nix is one of the best story in this book so far. It’s dark, unexpected and it definitely made me want to read the rest of the book. The only negative trait is that for a short story, there’s too many characters and details setting, but as part of a book it’s not as disturbing. Can’t wait for when the complete book comes out!

Violent Vows by Sophie Dyer, the prequel to The Notorious Five was the story that made me buy this anthology. Of course, I already read The Notorious Five series, so I was getting in with some knowledge of the world and families inside this story, but I wasn’t disappointed and I can’t wait to read the extended version. The betrayals, actions, emotions, relationships built in this story are perfect for the making of a great book.

Brutal Bluebell by T. L. Hodel of the Louisiana Made Man series is pretty short and very intriguing. It seems to be the setting of a book, but when I looked up the series, it seems to be about the sister of this short story…I’ll definitely be checking it out cause it looks very interesting and well written. Maybe I’ll get to know more