A review by nwhyte
Doctor Who: Fear of the Daleks by Patrick Chapman

Fear of the Daleks has Wendy Padbury reprising her role as Zoe, telling her therapist about these weird dreams of Daleks and the Doctor she has been having. There is a real poignancy in Zoe having had her mind wiped by the Time Lords at the end of The War Games, and so forgetting all of her adventures with the Doctor; and the framing narrative takes that and uses it rather well. Unfortunately I think Peter Anghelides already did it better, and the narrative which is actually framed is a confused one of half-fish-shaped scientists and Daleks, with Nicholas Briggs as ever giving it his all, but it didn't quite hang together for me. Good for Wendy Padbury who does a fantastic performance with less than fantastic material, and there is a real poignancy in her line about being young again.