A review by vivianne
Beauty Queens by Libba Bray


I did not enjoy this at all and I cannot continue reading this, DNF at 40%.

I was listening to this as an audiobook which was overall great with the sound effects and music, but it was very hard to follow with all the different scenes in between that I just did not get. Who were the random people in the scenes that just didn’t matter to the plot; like the random producer or the stalker guy. I didn’t care for the stupid annoying commercial breaks in between the story. Same with the footnotes, they were just utterly useless and kept getting me out of the book. If all these things were left out the book would have been a lot better. I could also not keep track of which character was which.

And then the worst was just the overall story. Even though the concept sounds cool and I love people stranded on an island, mix that with beauty queens and pageants would be totally my thing. However it was really boring, almost nothing happened and the majority of this story was just learning about the characters and their background, I felt like this story did not go anywhere and I don’t care if they’ll be stranded there forever. When arriving at 40% I was just done.

But even more worse were the characters. I could just not keep track of who I found the dumbest and the stupidest. The whole time I was listening to this I just kept rolling my eyes. And I know this book is meant to be cynical and it’s supposed to make fun of pageants and beauty queens but I just didn’t get it. If I hear one more time “Miss Team Dreamers” or “Sparkle Ponies’ I swear I’m going to scream.

It was also simply too long, 400 pages of this? I cannot deal with another 8 hours of audiobook with these stupid girls and dumb commercial breaks.