A review by avoraciousreader68
The Curse Mandate by J.P. Sloan



*Book source ~ A review copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.

Dorian Lake has many irons in the fire, not least of which is finding his displaced soul, but when a succession of serious occult crimes start happening in and around DC, Dorian must add yet another thing to his already overflowing plate. When he figures it all out and the final showdown is upon him, he is fairly certain he won’t survive it.

I love Dorian Lake nearly as much as I love Harry Dresden. Though Dorian can be much more of an idiot than Harry a lot of the time, at least he’s good at figuring out the machinations of others. Eventually. Usually not before he puts his big foot in his mouth though. The magic involved is very different than the Dresden Files and it’s both interesting and frustrating. There are times I wish Dorian could pull a Harry and serve the assholes he encounters a heaping helping of fuego. But it’s nice that practitioners usually can’t just casually toss magic around in this series. Limits are a good thing when dealing with Netherwork, dark magic, and the Dark Choir.

If you’re looking for a supremely-crafted story with detailed magical history, mysterious happenings, conspiracies, suspense, smartassery, and, at times, gut wrenching emotion (curse you JP Sloan for that incident, you know the one) and wonderful colorful characters then I highly recommend this book. In fact, I recommend the whole series. I have no idea where Dorian and his motley crew are going from here, but I can’t wait to find out.