A review by sarah_kurtz
State of Terror by Louise Penny, Hillary Rodham Clinton


Pleasantly surprised by this one!
One of the local bookstores that I love hypes up Louise Penny, a lot! So, when I saw that this was written by she and Hillary Clinton, I knew I had to read it! I am so glad I did, it did not disappoint!
This is based around the life of the Secretary of State who is serving under a President that despises her, under a time of distress in the country, while worrying about her kids, and trying to create a sense of peace in the world.
Overall, I think the flow of the book was really well written. It came in strong right out of the gate and the momentum just kept moving. There were a few times where I found I couldn’t put it down, eagerly reading on to see what was going to happen next. There were obviously political aspects of the book, but I liked that it was written/explained in a way that was easy to understand, even if you’re not super political savvy.
From my understanding, there were some characters that overlap into other books that she’s written; which I enjoyed. I also like that characters within the book all intertwined into one another, like secret pasts!
Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I definitely recommend it to anyone who likes a fast-paced, blood-pumping, heart-racing, story!