A review by thebumblegirl
Boomerang by Noelle August


I love when a book gets right to the point right on the first page! Super fun and sexy! There is no denying the unrequited attraction between the main characters...

Mia is smart, hardworking, confident and knows how to get what she wants. And, to make it all better, she's beautiful. Her mother is an artist, and she is her muse. Mia is determined to make a name for herself as a filmmaker and is relying on her new internship at Boomerang to give her the boost that she needs to be recognized.
Ethan is good-natured, grounded and quite the achiever. This light-hearted guy has just kicked his last soccer ball at college and is now facing paying off his debt and trying to figure out what the next step is. He is hoping that Boomerang's internship will be exactly what he's looking for... or at least, to eventually help him put food on the table.
But a one-night stand that goes astray seems to get these two off to a rough start on their first day of work. Who knew that they were going to not only be working at the same place, but that they were going to have to also compete with each other to get the job of a lifetime!

I loved these two from the very first page - they are so witty and playful! Yet serious and caring when they needed to be. There is no way to deny the attraction. Over and over again they ogled each others beauty. But, eventually, it was nice to see them also take interest in each others personalities and good traits as well. They're feeling are genuine and deep. It was really a wonder to watch these two banter it out until the end.

Both Mia and Ethan's families play major roles in their story. This really pushed me to give an extra star rating! It was so nice to see their family dynamics, problems, and love. I really got to see how they became who they are and how they got to where they are. So refreshing to get such a detailed and interesting background.

Like most new adult romances, the storyline is predictable, light-hearted and never disappointing. Full of humor, sarcasm and priceless moments. It is the type of read that I love to get into when in a rut or in need of a smile.