A review by ablotial
Mirror Mirror by Gregory Maguire


Like most (all? at least all I have knowledge of) Maguire's books, this is a retelling of a common fairy tale, but with lots of interesting twists. In this retelling of Snow White, Maguire pulls in Cesare and Lucrezia Borgia and small-town Italy, as well as superstition and religion and a very different sort of dwarf than the ones we come to expect in fairy tales.

I very much enjoyed Maguire's prose in this book. It is beautifully written and descriptive, but uses language that kept me reading. Most books with somewhat flowery prose bore me quickly and make me want to skim to get to the action. But somehow this book was mostly action and still much more like "real" literature than many books I read. I both wanted to keep reading to find out what happened and also drag it out to savor the story.