A review by ctorretta
The Appeal of Evil by Pembroke Sinclair


Whew! Talk about having to choose between the good boy and the bad boy! This book is for anyone that wants a fast and fun read! I loved every word! And funnily enough there are a lot of moments when Katie is just sitting around thinking and I remember thinking to myself that if I had to read a bunch of non dialogue in another book I may be disgusted or at the very least bored. But not with The Appeal of Evil. We’re in Katie’s head most of the time and it was fabulous. I really enjoyed getting to see the dilemma in her choice and why she made that choice at the end.

I mean, Wes is supposed to be the good guy but he’s basically an idiot most of this book. Consistently hurting Katie with every turn. The reasons behind it may or may not be good enough, to me I don’t think they really are. Katie is so open to him and he squashes her every move!

And then you have the bad boy… and Josh is the epitome of a bad boy. You think some of the things he does would turn Katie off (and all of the readers!) but really he can have a good soul underneath, right? He’s so suave and sweet (when he’s not eating souls) and really looks after Katie, and especially in the times when Wes has let her down, AGAIN!

Needless to say I totally got into these characters. I love the choice between good guy or bad guy! But in this case is it really choosing between heaven and hell? That’s some pretty heavy stuff! Why does a girl need to choose at all?

So, I loved this. I can’t wait for the sequel. Yes I’m going with Team Josh. Total bad boy but I am hoping maybe there is something else there that can be saved.

It’s almost like believing in Snape all of those years and finding out later the truth behind everything. Maybe it’s like that… maybe? …