A review by readbylauren
In Flight by R.K. Lilley


Read like FSOG.

Young, 20 something virgin ✔️
Young, late 20s billionaire ✔️
Hero only does Dom/Sub relationships ✔️
Hero is damaged from his terrible past ✔️

I could give more examples of the similarities but these were the main ones.

I don’t think I’ve ever disliked a main character as much as James Cavendish. He was a stage 5 clinger. Hiring security to stalk her working. Texting/calling every 5 mins and demanding she text/call whenever she landed. Ummm. We don’t like it when women do this so why would we like it when a man does?

Do I wanna read the next one? Eh. Maybe if it’s on KU.

Oh, oh! And the “stroke the petals of your sex lightly” and “I’m going to tie you to my bed and take your hymen.” Crrrriiiinnnge.