A review by adamdavidcollings
No Road Among the Stars: An InterStellar Commonwealth Novel by A. Walker Scott


A highly character-driven story of aliens and friendship. This book delves into various alien races, their cultures, and their languages. The author clearly loves the exploration of aliens and their languages, and this comes out in every page. The relationships between the characters grow and develop through the story, and take a front seat, over traditional plot elements that take more of a back seat here.

The one thing I didn't like about this book were the names. I'm not a fan of names that are difficult to pronounce. I understand that they made sense in the context of this story. They lend a degree of believability, and language was an important element in the book, but I struggled with them. I found that I had to invent my own names for the characters to say in my head whenever I came across one that I couldn't pronounce. With sufficient effort, I could have sounded many of them out and learned them, but honestly, I'm too lazy for that. I sometimes found myself wishing the author would "buy a vowel" or two. All this said, it was worth persevering with the names for the sake of the characters and the story.

All in all I enjoyed No Road Among the Stars and would definately welcome more books in this world. Recommended for lovers of science fiction with lots of alien races.