A review by loveisnotatriangle
House of Sand and Secrets by Cat Hellisen


4.5 stars

House of Sand and Secrets begins a few months after the end of When the Sea is Rising Red. While the author has called all of the books in her "Hobverse" series companions that could be read in any order, I would argue that these two stories are a solid duet. House of Sand and Secrets again follows Felcita, continuing the emotional and personal growth she began in the first book. I read these novels back to back, and I found it to be extremely rewarding to experience them as a pair. However, while WTSIRR was published as a YA book, I'd consider HOSAS to have crossed the line into adult fiction. The story and themes have Felicita navigating much more in an adult world, especially in her responsibilities and relationships.

While it was sometimes hard to tell what Felicita was thinking in When the Sea is Rising Red, causing a bit of disconnect and frustration between me and her, she is much more reflective and aware of herself in House of Sand and Secrets. Felicita feels guilt for past choices and works to correct them. Her change from the first story is tremendous and one of my favorite parts of this book. That isn't to say she doesn't still make a few decisions that made me want to strangle her. But Felicita is so much more self aware and trying her best. I truly loved her progress throughout this book, and I especially enjoyed seeing how far she's grown since the start of book one.

I also adored the romance in House of Sand and Secrets, although I thought I'd hate it at first. It is tough in the beginning, and had my stomach in uncomfortable knots for a while, but the payoff is hard won and sweet. I loved seeing the power of these two together. How well they balance each other and what they could accomplish when they were on the same page and had the same goals. This is another aspect of HOSAS that I think was stronger for me because I'd read WTSIRR, and watched how the relationship between these two has developed throughout the series.

What I like about Cat Hellisen's stories is that she has created a complex and rich fantasy world with a detailed society and political climate, and stuck a very human, personal story about one girl within it. The strongest theme carrying throughout this series is Felicita. This book stays focused on the characters instead of what needs to be fixed in this society, although that is very much present and it would be impossible to separate the characters from their world. However, I am hoping that we get to see some more changes come in the next book in the series.

If you've read and enjoyed When the Sea is Rising Red, House of Sand and Secrets is a must read. If you've yet to start the series these two books read very well back to back. Although the location and problems shift, there is continuity in the overall issues in this world as well as in Felicita's growth as a person and in her relationships. The lush fantasy world also enchanted me, and got stronger as the series progressed. I really liked WTSIRR, but I fell hard for HOSAS and cannot wait for whatever else Hellisen writes.

Love Triangle Factor: Uncomfortable Mild
Cliffhanger Scale: Low

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