A review by nannyf
Love, Lies and Lemon Cake by Sue Watson


It is such a relief these days to read a sweet, funny story like this. Plus it has a hot Australian guy in it! And he can bake, and cook, and make you laugh, and ……. Oh I could go on and on about him! But I won’t.

Faye is a put upon wife and mother who has somehow lost herself in the years since she married. In order to find herself again she is going to need to make some tough decisions. Is she strong enough to make those decisions . If she does is she then strong enough to follow through with her living list and make her own way in the world?

Faye is the kind of person who never says yes to the tough things in life, but when she decides she needs to do just that all hell breaks loose! She is a klutz, she opens her mouth and let’s everything out, even if not appropriate at the time! But she made me laugh time and time again while reading about her antics.

And as for Dan! Oh Dan! The man everyone, well me anyway, dreams about meeting but never does! When he is around Faye just loses herself even more, but this time it’s in his eyes,his face, his body, his baking,his ….. Well, his everything!

For a laugh out loud book which almost made me cry several times you really need to pick this up. Go one click it now, I dare you!