A review by jasonlee77
A Place for Sinners by Aaron Dries


Sometimes you just can't get into a book; no matter how hard you try, it just isn't working and only proceeds to go down hill from there. Unfortunately, after 44% through it, that was my experience reading A PLACE FOR SINNERS, which turns out to be my first (and hopefully last) "did not finish " book of 2015.

A PLACE FOR SINNERS tells the story of Amity, who was a victim of a dog attack when she was a kid - that somehow left her deaf - and her brother Caleb, who decide to go on a trip to Thailand. Soon they find out that their trip will be anything but a peaceful, exotic getaway as they find themselves in a blood bath of gore and a fight for survival.

Is the book more than just that? Perhaps, but I just couldn't go any further. First off, the characters are completely uncharismatic, dull and uninteresting. Secondly, all of the dialog is stilted, mechanical and completely unbelievable. I was willing to forgive these things, so long as the story got better, but it got worse by the page, eventually devolving into a convoluted and random garble, culled from the writers seemingly drug induced writing sessions. I can't begin to explain the mess that is this book. Absurd situations like monkeys suddenly attacking tourist happen out of nowhere and right in the middle of this there will suddenly be a flashback to something that happened in the past, that leads nowhere and then it will cut to another characters random thought, then it cuts to a scene of gore, then back to another random thought, that this time is no longer than a sentence and then ends with these spirits (I'm guessing), talking about taking over The Body but having to climb up The Tree to do so.

Sound fucked up and disjointed? You don't know the half of it. This book just wasn't worth my time to dedicate to it in finishing it. There's too many other good, coherent stories that are waiting to be read. I give this abysmal book a 1/5