A review by speesh
The Templar Throne by Paul Christopher


Generally about the chasing than the finding and the secrets and with a real hang-up about The Da Vinci Code, The Templar Throne is number three in Paul Christopher’s Templar series.

The irony is, though, even though he rarely misses the chance to put down the Da Vinci Code throughout the book, if you enjoyed Da Vinci Code (as I did) and want more of that sort of thing, spread over several volumes, this is as good as any series you’re gonna get.

John 'Doc' Holliday is the main pillar of this story. So, it’s handy that he has a photographic, not to mention encyclopaedic, memory of whatever problem it is they’re faced with at any one time. It can get a little irritating at times. You really would be better served by him looking blankly and saying ‘“haven’t the foggiest.”' But there really isn’t time. His only failing is that it does seem to take him a while to figure out that first someone is following and second, how they’re knowing where he is.

None of them have been so far - and I doubt if the rest of the series will change the formula much - written as great works of literature. I don’t think so anyway. They are great escapism, mixed with interesting enough if you don’t poke too hard, premises and stories, well put together and with a good flow. I’m not going to say that when I’m done with the whole series, I’ll be able to recall individual volumes, though despite its faults The Templar Throne is at least interesting all the way through.

Plenty more where this came from : Speesh Reads