A review by syl_val15
Goodbye Stranger by Rebecca Stead


Goodbye, Stranger by Rebecca Stead

5/5 Stars!

I saw this book while I was at a bookstore, the cover and the title caught my eyes and the next thing I did was: bought the book, went home and read it.

Goodbye Stranger is the perfect coming-of-age story, with realistic plot-line and intriguing characters, also it's a story with a lot of action. which has nothing to do with wild adventures or violence, but more with the contacts that the friends have at home, outside the streets and at school: fun and less fun things in a family and daily life.
This book has three storytellers: an auctorial, a you-narrator and an I-narrator, which I really really love and have never read a book with three narratives before. The chapters about Bridge and her family and friends are told by an omniscient narrator. The chapters entitled 'Valentine's Day' are told by a 'you' storyteller, which sometimes creates an unreliable perspective. The I-narrator, after all, is the letter writer Sherm. He writes letters to his grandfather, Nonno Gio.
I loved reading about Bridget and her relationship with her parents, brother and best friends, we also get flashbacks from her past and the accident, in her present life beside her friendships with her two bestfriends she builds a new friendship with a boy named Sherm. Each of the girl go through their own kinds of issues and each one is relatable and realistic.

Definitely worth the time, simple yet intersting and a heart-warming book, highly recommended!