A review by misfitangel
Off the Grid: Living Blind Without the Internet by Robert Kingett


Imagine for a second, a whole month with out Internet. No facebook, no twitter, no Google maps, no checking the wether with Siri. Could you do it? Imagine you are also blind. No scanning letters or food packaging, back to big old braille books, ten paving stone volumes a piece, no checking the wether unless it's on the good old fashioned radio or tv, catch up doesn’t count. Could you do it? Well Robert Kinget did, and here he takes us through his journey back in time to the stone age. Not only are his interactions with strangers hilarious, like dude, I could never be as confident and persistent as he is on the phone, but he actually makes some extremely valid observations about our society. This was obviously an enlightening experience for him, and I really picked that up in the book. This book is grate for the sheer curiosity factor, the appropriate catch phrase being " I busted a gut living a month with out my virtual life line so the rest of you blindies don't have to". So the book is good for that alone, plus the humorous anecdotes and encounters chronicled along the way that'll almost certainly put a smile on the face of the grouchiest cynic, and the fact that this book will force you to think about your day to day life and the social climate around you. All of this mixed in a bowl, and put in the oven for thirty minutes, leaves you with an extremely engaging, funny, and thought provoking book, with intelligent prose and raiser sharp commentary. Excuse the cake analogy, I haven't been out in a while.