A review by ladyofbooks
The Dragon Hammer, Volume 1 by Tony Daniel


I received this book, as well as the Amber Arrow book (both by Tony Daniels, and books 1 and 2 in a series) by Baen publishers who were kind enough to send me ARC review copies. I loved book one, and book two was just as good as book one, though seemed not quite there.  I have never before read Tony Daniels, though I’ve heard a lot of good things from various fantasy fans that his works are fantabulous. The location was a bit weird for me in the books-it mentioned Romania, and Mississippi and a handful of other random places from time to time that seemed historically accurate but confused me a good deal.
Firstly, thanks to http://www.baen.com for giving me these beautiful ARCs. They are gorgeous, and I will treasure them. The maps were beautifully made, and the storyline was epic in every sense of the word. I particularly loved the characters, and the whole Game of Thrones feel to it.
The books are filled to the brim with action, and book two is the same. There’s action, adventure, romance, and grave peril for all the characters at some point or other within these two beautifully written books. I have thanked the provided in email, but I’ll thank them again because these are truly unique books that I am glad to have been given a chance to read. I really cannot wait to get my hands on book three, and see how the trilogy ends. Tony Daniels is one of my new favorite authors, and one most definitely not to be missed!
Wulf is an engaging character, and I loved all the boys learning to fight, and the dragons, and the girls in this book are particularly awesome. There is so much going on, that one needs to re-read it, which is why it took a bit for me to write up these reviews. There is quite a bit of world building, and I was really enchanted by the falconry scene in the first book, as well. Both books are now one of my favorite series, and I definitely look forward to getting the third one at some point in the future.
Both books are going to be read again when the third one comes out, and I hope that book three comes out sometime soon, because both of the first books left off as cliffhangers! Danger is lurking everywhere for our characters, and there is the threat of war, as well as the loss of several loved ones in the first book. Don’t get attached to the characters, there is every chance they might die in the end.
As it is, the books are awesome, and I’m very grateful for receiving them. To those who’ve yet to go and read the books, what are you waiting for? It’s got dragons and dukes and falling stars and a fantastic new world to live in!

Note* Also reviewed on my blog Pass Me That Book