A review by lindakat
Batman: Prey by Doug Moench, Paul Galancy, Terry Austin


I love most issues that delve into the psyche of Batman - is he crazy, is this fantastical world actually of his own delusion - and this issue was no different.

At its core Prey was about Bruce coming to the decision about being Batman or if he, to dress up as the Caped Wonder, was a sign of instability. My prognosis? Hell maybe it is but Gotham still needs him.

The cast of characters chosen to host Bruce/Batman's internal debate was genius: Dr. Hugo Strange a veritable madman himself and the warped reflection of Night Scourge - just fantastic - not to mention we had the first appearance of the very lovely Catwoman.

I really appreciated the lyrical writing style (really looking forward to more Doug Moench) not my favourite artwork but this graphic novel met all my criteria for Batman.