A review by kathryn_changedbychrist
The Sky Above Us by Sarah Sundin


Whoa. This story was honestly one of the best World War 2 fiction books that I have ever read. It really made me appreciate what those men who fought in WWII went through and it definitely brought the D-Day battle to life for me.
This is my first ever Sarah Sundin book (yes, I know it is part of a series, but I haven’t read the first yet, oops) and I will definitely be reading more of her work in the future.
As I said above, this story really brought the D-Day battle to life for me and I was able to better appreciate what those men did for us. I was honestly surprised at how well the story came to life in front of me when I read this book. I’ve only had that happen a few times, and I think it is one of the signs of a good author when they are able to bring history events to life in such a real way.
To be completely honest, one of my least favorite parts of this story was Violet. I did appreciate that she changed and grew throughout the story, that added another layer of “realness” to the book as a whole, but I also wasn’t able to relate to her very well. And to be completely honest, I kind of got frustrated with her as well with her slightly narrow-minded thinking.
One of my favorite things about this book, besides the compelling and well-written story, was Adler. Oh my goodness. My heart really went out to him in his hurting and, gosh, I can’t say enough good things about him! Yes, Adler will be joining my fairly short list of favorite book heros.
All in all, I thought this story was very well done, my only complaint being Violet, and even then, I loved watching her grow and learn as the story progressed. I think people will really be able to relate to the faith elements throughout this story as well as the struggles that the characters faced, and ultimately overcame. Even from this first introduction to her writing, I can tell that Ms. Sundin is a wonderful and powerful writer. I can’t wait to read the rest of this series as well as her other books!

**I received a complementary copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All opinions and thoughts in this review are my own.**