A review by azeryk
Unicorn Battle Squad by Kirsten Alene


I was offered the chance to review this book and took up the chance as it has good reviews on various sites and it's fantasy/adventure genre is not too unlike what I normally read.

The book follow a mid-level clerk called Carl, who lives in a city of clerks which is protected by the unicorn riders, but through a twist of events ends up with a small unicorn that was meant for his father. This simple beast ends up taking him on adventures over seas and deserts to protect the city he called home. Whilst this sounds like a fairly straight forward story it is set in a varied world with plenty of eclectic characters around every turn which keeps things interesting through the story.

Whilst I enjoyed the book and it's characters throughout, the book does tend to jump around a bit which can make things a little confusing, but the main thing that annoyed me was the ending. I've read plenty of book which bad or even sudden endings, but this one just left way too many unanswered questions for my liking.

So overall, I did enjoy the book and read it at a good speed thanks to the good pace of events and colourful characters, and despite the ending slightly ruining that, it is well worth the read.

The novel was received in exchange for an honest review.