A review by laurachernikoff
The Original Illustrated Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle


I really enjoyed reading these classic stories by Arthur Conan Doyle. This complete copy is a really great format for the stories - and the originally illustrations add something particularly special. As I've been told many times, my mom read our copy when she was pregnant with me, and it has sat on our family bookcase ever since. After seeing the recent Guy Ritchie / Robert Downey Jr. Sherlock Holmes film, I was inspired to read the full collection of stories once and for all.

The stories come in such volume that they start to blend together quite quickly... but the journey of watching Holmes work, listening to Dr. Watson's admiring narration, and seeing each mystery come to a satisfying ending time and time again does not get tiresome. Holmes is quite an amazing character - he, in fact, gets quite little characterization. What really surprised me was how little the great Professor Moriarty enters into the picture - he was only in ONE short story! And I thought he was the ultimate nemesis to our detective hero!

My lasting impression from the collection of short stories and Hound of the Baskervilles (which I particularly enjoyed)... was that Doyle, as the mastermind behind such great fiction, had a mind to match his witty hero. In order to think of all the small things that Holmes observes and have a brilliant idea for what they might mean, or to put all the clues in front of you without letting you figure out the story... That takes a brilliant mind.

Overall, BRAVO! I really recommend this classic collection.