A review by allingoodtime
Killing Ruby Rose, by Jessie Humphries


It took me a bit to get into this book. I think I just had to get used to the author's writing style, I'm not sure. I enjoyed it the whole time, but I didn't cross over to the "I don't want to put this down" zone until about 30% into the story. Not only did things pick up a bit more in the story at that point, but I was fully invested in Ruby's story by then.

Being a mom myself, I just couldn't understand Jane Rose. Not even when certain things were revealed. I just never quite got her or her actions. On the other hand, I loved Liam from the start...well once we actually met him.

I don't want to give anything away on either character, and there is still another book after this one, but I never knew who to trust throughout the book. And neither did Ruby. Yet it was written in a way that didn't have me getting to anxious and rushing my reading to find out who was who and what was what. I get like that at times and it can ruin a story for me. Jessie Humphries did a great job of balancing all of the elements of her story.

Honestly, when I started this book I didn't know if I'd read the 2nd book and thought I'd give it a 3 star rating. The last half of the book was intriguing enough to push my rating to 4 stars and have me looking forward to reading Resisting Ruby Rose.