A review by heisereads
Game. Set. Match. by Jennifer Iacopelli


While I appreciate a fun, quick, easy romance story, this is the first I've read that was released only in ebook format. I do think it could have benefited from another round of editing and proofreading (errors catch my attention more what with being an English teacher).

Game. Set. Match. is a cute romance story with the unique twist of taking place in the world of elite level tennis athletes. It was fun to see the insiders view of that world. And while I cared about the female characters and what they were going through, and I was rooting for them both on and off the court, the male characters did not have much development at all. I wanted to care about them, so I wish we would have gotten more into their backstories to understand their actions and motivations, rather than just from the standpoint of the girls. I think there is potential for more than what we got in this short 200 page book, and I wanted to read more about them to get a deeper understanding.

Game. Set. Match. follows a standard structure for this type of books, so some of it feels predictable, but it was still enjoyable escapism reading. Overall, I struggled with the way it was written a little bit. I like that it has the multiple perspectives as I like reading books that way, but there were times where I had to reread parts because I got confused about who was talking or the back and forth interactions. Part of that could have been the 3rd person point-of-view, which is not my preference to read when switching between characters. I think there is a lot of potential for the writing to improve as the series continues, and I would be interested to see where Jasmine, Indy, and Penny's stories head next.