A review by brokenrecord
Dark Currents by Lindsay Buroker


4.5 stars. The plot of this was probably more like 4 stars overall, but I think the end bumped it up to 4.5 for me. I liked this book slightly less than the first one, but only because I was a little less into the main plot. But the Sicarius/Amaranthe stuff at the end ended up balancing it out for me.

I wasn't sure how into Book's POV I'd be, but it was nice to see what was going on from his perspective, and I liked the dynamic between him, Maldynado, and Akstyr. I like that the series alternates between provided a different character's POV along with Amaranthe's so you get gradually get more development from the entire crew. And it was fun to see Books's perspective of Amaranthe and all the others.
SpoilerMe being me, I especially loved him realizing when Amaranthe was in danger and Sicarius was going a bit crazy about it that Sicarius cared about her and that the reason he had stuck around in the group was because of her.

Mostly this book was about Sicarius/Amaranthe for me. I love how he continues to slowly open up to Amaranthe when she asks, and his yes/no terse answers when things are getting a bit too deep into his past, but he does ultimately answer. Everything about the cabin scene was so wonderful. And him starting to tease her back even though she isn't always sure about whether he's teasing her or not. And generally I just love how well they work with one another and how attuned to one another they are.
SpoilerI especially loved the bit where she's dying and he's going crazy with worry. And him starting to call her by her first name! And THEN of course, that last scene!!! The fact that Amaranthe just confesses her feeling, and that he already has a list of reasons why they can't be together because he's DEFINITELY already thought about it! But that he also goes and sits next to her rather than just brushing her off because he can tell she's hurt, and he HOLDS HER HAND. And just the fact that he watches her so closely and is so attuned to her that he already had figured out her feelings for him. They're just really great!!!