A review by mehsi
Tesla Note Vol. 1 by Kota Sannomiya


An action-packed manga about Tesla Notes, fragments that you don’t want to mess with!

This is one of the 80 manga I got during the Kodansha-first-volume-free promo! The very first one actually. I am writing this one March 28th, and I read it on the 26th in the hopes to get out my reading slump (yes, it worked along with some other books).

In this book we meet a girl named Botan. She has been trained since she was young to be an elite government agent. Yes, really. And yes, she did it all with love but when she finally heard that it was time, she was first thinking it was a joke. She thought for a while that her grandfather was just going senile. Nope, it is all very real and Botan, DANG this girl. She kicks some major butt. Not just in fighting skills, but also in other departments. Language, disguise, escaping, everything. This girl is a machine. I loved that she was so awesome, but at times I did feel for her. We can see the scars on her when she comes out of the river without her disguise. We see that she is totally strange with the world and normal stuff. At times I wish that next to having her trained, her grandpa would have also allowed socialising, some travelling with her. Her mood swings from super-serious to super-childish which was a bit odd to me and that also meant that while she was a good character, I also couldn’t get a read on her. Which one was the real Botan?

And then there is Dicky Mcdickison. I am sorry, I don’t know his name. Yes, it’s been 2 days and I already forgot his. He is a dick. Thinks he is better than Botan. Ruined the first mission and really brought danger to Botan, she could have been killed in that mission.. and that would have been his fault. Later on they do seem to get along a bit better, he even helps her when her fear takes over, but for most I just wanted to punch him or hope a Tesla fragment would hit him. XD

The story is very exciting though. Holy! We read all about Tesla, and about what he has made, including putting all his inventions and the likes in Tesla Fragments. He has warned Botan’s grandfather (when that one was very young and just started his career) that the fragments were locked for x times, but after that things may go wrong. And things are going wrong now. Tesla fragments sound cool and look super cool, like you want one in your home. But they fuck up things badly. IF they appear in or near an object and that object is going x miles/kilometers an hour? BOOM, transportion. BOOM gore. Yes, gore. Because things happen to people during that transport that is just so fucked up that when Botan checked out that warped train I almost puked. Holy hell. Not to mention the danger of an object in full velocity being warped to a random point. From a shopping street to a park. Not just the people in said object are screwed, everyone is. Because you don’t know where it will teleport/transport. So that was dang awesome. And there are people that really want those Fragments as well. But not, like Botan and her team for good, but for bad. To free the world. Well, um, nope.

The fight scenes and all the action scenes were fab! I really loved seeing the moves both Botan and Dicky McDickison had.

The faces however? They were such a put-off for me. It was funny once, but it kept happening and given everything I just felt it didn’t it. Especially because the art is pretty dang great, and the faces are so darn ugly and weird. I do hope that the faces happen less and less with each volume. crosses fingers

All in all, despite some issues and that I hope that Botan becomes a bit more rounded and the faces less ugly, I did have fun reading it and I am definitely interested in reading more~

Review first posted at https://twirlingbookprincess.com/