A review by jennmarshall27
Midnight Vista by Eliot Rahal


REVIEW: Midnight Vista Volume 1

Midnight Vista is based on a personal and true story from writer Eliot Rahal. Oliver Flores and his stepfather leave for ice cream and are abducted by aliens. Years later, Oliver returns as an adult. He remembers everything except why he was returned. Will the people in his life believe him? Will he figure out why he was returned?

The story is a lot of fun. Alien abduction stories can start to sound the same, but Eliot Rahal adds emotions and humor in such a way that the book is unlike anything I have seen before. Oliver Flores is a child stuck between fighting parents and the first few pages are heartbreaking. Parents are arguing over a custody arrangement not caring that the child is in the other room able to hear it all. The sadness of the book is balanced perfectly with humor. My favorite line in the entire book comes from the “Human Federal Bureau of Investigations”. These agents are so much fun, they are just awkward enough. At one point while talking to the locals the agents say, “Next time we are in town the first round of baked potatoes are on us.” Every once in a while a line is so good that I have to tell everyone. This book is full of them.

The art, colors, and letters work in perfect harmony. Clara Meath is able to show so much emotion in the characters. When you see the “agents” for the first time you instantly know that they are not human. Even without their awkward dialogue, they remind me of Men in Black and the alien wearing the Edgar suit. They just don’t look correct. Mark Englert’s work with colors helps guide the mood. When Oliver and his stepfather leave for ice cream everything is soft, but then you turn the page and everything takes on a blinding red. You know that something bad is about to happen. Taylor Esposito is magic with the letters. At the beginning of the story Oliver’s parents are fighting and he is in the living room watching TV. We know that he can hear them fighting, but in the panel, Esposito’s letters keep getting bolder and bolder as Oliver turns up the TV. It was like I could hear the TV getting louder. It was a powerful touch that helped the art and colors tie together to put me in that scene.

Overall, Midnight Vista is a story that you will want to read multiple times. This creative team takes you on a journey that will leave you wanting more.

Creative Team:
Creator and Writer: Eliot Rahal
Creator and Artist: Clara Meath
Colors: Mark Englert
Letters: Taylor Esposito
Published by Aftershock