A review by tildee06
Thunder and Shadow by Erin Hunter


I normaly really like a arc/book while I read it and I often feel like that book would be favorite so far, but I think I can confidently say that Thunder and Shadow is one of my favorite books, atleast in this arc. I love how they are showing us how unstable Shadowclan is to later acually adress the problem.
I think it is like during chapter 8 when the apprentices ganged up on the warriors and Rowanstar and I LOVE that chapter, it was so interessting and I love how we get to see the reason's for their disloyalty;
*The clan have too many apprentice's.
*The deputy and his mate Dawnpelt might have been bad parents with teaching them bad manners as in that they can say whatever they want. It was also mentioned by their kits that they don't listen to them and maybe ignoring sings. And the other seems to have had a bad upbrining too.
*The apprentices also had heared stories about how feared Shadowclan used to be, but they feel like the clan have gone soft because of what they have seen once they became apprentices. And Ratscar is agreeing with them.
*I feel like Rowanstar might be a bad leader because of how his clan ganged up on him.
*Later in the book was Lionpaw fighting her brother for a pice of prey, they even fought with claws and no one stopped them, or they did not stop them until Twigpaw got involved. "They started it" was the exuce they had for not interfering. This shows that the problem is more than just bad parenting and false expectations, the mentors are not doing their jobs, this is not just the parents fault or Rowanstar not being able to control his clan. This is his warriors not doing their jobs, letting them get away with almost anything.

I also want to say, Crowfrost was right to let Nettlepaw go home, it was a wise desition. I would like to see him be leader.
And I understand Violetpaw was sad, but she would not turn her back on Shadowclan so how does she expect Twigpaw to do it? Though I do think it is a interesting part of her character, how fast she feels betrayed. And it makes sense.

In the beginning of the book can we see how mad Alderpaw is at Rowastar for taking Violetkit and seperating siblings. I do not think it is fair, Bramblestar was also not willing to give up Twigpaw so it is not just Rowanstar who seperated them. Thunderclan did not have a right to the kits alone, without Neddlepaw would the kits never had been found. Had kinda agrues that it was his vision, but the vision was for a prophecy for all the clans.

Another thing I noticed while reading, I think chapter 7? When the new Shadowclan apprentice visit the moonpool for the first time, was that we call Jayfeather old. How is he old? How fast are these cats aging. Jayfeather is not old and it is so confusing when the book tell us that he is. Is he even like 5 years old?