A review by jg1987
Alpha's Sacrifice by Nora Phoenix


4 Stars

Although it was not what I was expecting, [b:Alpha's Sacrifice|39789523|Alpha's Sacrifice (Irresistible Omegas, #1)|Nora Phoenix|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1523289868l/39789523._SY75_.jpg|61512863] hooked me right in and I really enjoyed it.

I was under the false impression that this was a book about your standard sifters, hence the alpha/beta/omega social structure and the heat/scenting/pheromones stuff. In this world however, shifters have lost the ability to shift forms, but still retain all their instinctual impulses. I thought this was an interesting twist on the traditional shifter genre and thought [a:Nora Phoenix|17187577|Nora Phoenix|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1507234412p2/17187577.jpg] did a great job working the biological explanations and word building in the dialogue, so it wasn't dull and dry. In regards to our four, yes four, MCs, I liked that each of them had their own distinct characteristics and personalities that in part are due to their social position (A/B/O), but we also got so see a bit of what makes each guy different and it definitely got me wanting more from each of them. With this being the introductory book to the series, most of the conversations and all of the sex scenes are between two men at a time, and we don't get to see a lot of the group interacting together. You can definitely sense that those things are coming though. Things did kind of end right when they were getting really interesting though so I will be picking up the next in the series soon. Hopefully the series will only get better as the series goes on.