A review by ederwin
Sock Monkeys: 200 Out of 1,863 by Neil Gaiman, Jonathan Safran Foer, Isaac Mizrahi, Teller, Arne Svenson, Penn Jillette, Dale Peck, Ron Warren, Simon Doonan


Some of the sock monkeys in this collection will not haunt your dreams. It is the others you need to worry about!

Some say that a photographer should try to make their subject comfortable. None of these monkeys looks comfortable, yet the photographs are amazing, seeming to capture the soul of each and every one. Not sure that it is wise to capture a sock-monkey soul, though.

The included short stories are very short, never more than a page, and none very interesting. I somewhat like the one by Penn (of Penn and Teller) but that is faint praise. Neil Gaiman completists, you can skip this one. Really. His story here is uninteresting, and a touch trans-phobic.