A review by sonofthe
The X-Files: Year Zero by Karl Kesel


One of my soft goals this year was to tackle a bit of my comics back-log from Humble Bundles. Here's my first attempt.

Fun tie-in. We get two stories tied together across decades, the earlier one covered by Mulder and Scully's predecessors. (Apparently, other X-Files IDW comics feature these two: Ohio and Ellinson. At least one was also in the bundle, so Hooray!)

I love how the predecessors' story switches to an early comics art style.

My one real beef is with how Scully's portrayed. I'm not sure when this is supposed to be set, but she seems to have lost most of her skepticism. At least once, she offers up a Mulder-style conclusion first thing, with Mulder standing right there. Eh. It was still good.

Like I implied, I'm eager to read more of these comics.