A review by becs_l
Wolfsong by TJ Klune


It was full of candy canes and pinecones, of epic and awesome.
I am dead.
Series Thoughts

Over the past few years, my passion for reading had dimmed. It had not gone completely, but I haven’t been as eager to pick something up as I did during my late teens. I have read a few amazing stories over that time. Books that made me emotional, thinking about the characters and the story after I have finished. Books I would consider favourites. But nothing that hit me truly.

A couple of weeks ago, I picked up [b: The House in the Cerulean Sea|45047384|The House in the Cerulean Sea|T.J. Klune|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1569514209l/45047384._SY75_.jpg|62945242]. It was heart-warming and wonderful, and I thought – man, this [a:T.J. Klune|5073330|T.J. Klune|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1546275989p2/5073330.jpg] is good. I think I will check out his werewolf series.

From the opening chapters of [b:Wolfsong|29233804|Wolfsong (Green Creek, #1)|T.J. Klune|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1463862865l/29233804._SY75_.jpg|49474397], from the moment a little tornado jumped on the back of a tall quiet boy, I knew I was in trouble. And my god what a week it has been powering through all four of these books. In a way, I am glad I did not read them earlier, so I didn’t have to wait for the next. That would have been true agony.

This series was like [a:T.J. Klune|5073330|T.J. Klune|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1546275989p2/5073330.jpg] went into my head and took everything I want in a werewolf story – heck, in a story period – and put them on the page without it coming across as overtly cheesy or forced. I did not have compensate by conjuring my own images of how I wished it to be, as I often do with stories like these. Everything was perfect, and everything was real. The writing was simple, emotive, the motifs and the descriptions, the dialogue, and the actions - all came together and sung.

These characters felt real. Their relationships were real. Their bonds were real. I was so wrapped up in the heads of all them; Ox, Gordo, Robbie and Carter. And of course, through them, everyone else; Joe, Mark, Kelly, and Gavin. With Jessie, Chris, Tanner, Rico, and Bambi. Elizabeth, Maggie, and Thomas. I love them individually and bound together. I got hit over the head time and time again with emotion and angst. It never held back. And I loved every second of it.

Some people will read this word vomit and think that I am just cheesy as f**k. Or you will read this series and think they are too angsty, too repetitive, or too touchy-feely and over the top. Heck - I get that. This series will not be for everyone. I know several people who will judge me for loving books like these. Heck you may be judging me now. If this series became a movie (which I hope it does not), it would get a ton of slack from many who will not understand it. And a movie would never be able to do it justice. Or maybe you will enjoy them and put them aside. Perhaps you will love them but not understand why I am still crying even though I finished [b:Brothersong|53508243|Brothersong (Green Creek, #4)|T.J. Klune|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1590612882l/53508243._SY75_.jpg|67016719] over an hour ago. In a way, I don’t understand it. But I feel what I feel, and it’s a bit overwhelming, not going to lie.

But I have not been so wrapped up in a story or attached to characters like this is such a long time. I had forgotten what it was like. Thank you, [a:T.J. Klune|5073330|T.J. Klune|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1546275989p2/5073330.jpg]! Thank you for reminding me. It was candy canes and pinecones. Epic and awesome. Dirt, leaves and rain. Grass. Lake water. Sunshine. Old forest and Home. It has been a ride. One I look forward to experiencing all over again.