A review by 2000ace
Chimera by Stephen Gallagher


Stephen Gallagher, once a scriptwriter for Doctor Who, put his knowledge of science fiction, suspense, and pacing into this odd story. A nurse, Tracy Pickford, moves to what she thinks is going to be better employment in the country from her fast-paced job in the city. In the process, she breaks off relations with her then-boyfriend, journalist Peter Carson.

When Tracy arrives at the clinic, she is pleased with her job, working on the human reproductive process, helping women become mothers through in vitro fertilization. Over the course of time, she discovers that there are locked laboratories behind the main building that no one will discuss. When she gets wind of what it going on back there, she contacts her ex-beau, and Peter Carson comes running to her assistance,

The story descends into an action thriller when one of the secret lab's subjects escapes. One unusual aspect of the story is that big government is working hand in hand with big business and they both go to extreme measures to repress information about what they are doing. With all of the genetic manipulation and experimentation going on presently, this remains a readable, hopefully not prophetic tale.